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Delicate, fragile, adored by all, raspberries are so delicious they’re often downed by the handful.

How to choose

When you choose your raspberries, make sure they’re plump and coloured and that none are crushed or mouldy. These berries are fragile: don’t put them at the bottom of your shopping bag.

How to store

Raspberries have a short lifespan and their period of freshness is relatively brief. Keep them in the refrigerator for one or two days in an airtight container, without washing them beforehand. Rinse them only before eating, under a gentle stream of water to avoid damaging them.

How to eat

With their concentrated taste and heady fragrance, raspberries are delicious just as they are. But take a chance and add them to salads, ice cream or a chocolate fondue, Bake them in pie, add them to the apples when you make an applesauce or use them to make a succulent jam!