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Often confused with their cousin the turnip, rutabagas are nevertheless quite different! They’re bigger, yellow inside, and bolder in taste. But the two can easily replace each other in recipes.

How to pick

Like turnips, rutabagas should be heavy, to ensure their flesh is dense and full. Select rutabagas free of bruises or spots. Smaller ones will be more tender and less bitter when cooked.

How to store

Rutabagas can keep for about 10 days in the fridge’s crisper drawer, where it’s cool, dry, and away from light.

How to prepare

Since their skin is slightly bitter, feel free to peel it off thickly. You can then grate or cut the rutabagas into pieces suited for your recipe—diced, in wedges, sticks, etc. Add them to your fall dishes with other root vegetables. They taste great in stews, soups, and cream or mashed or sautéed in a skillet, and pair perfectly with all cuts of meat.