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All excuses are good for gathering around a comforting meal. But after a day spent outdoors, it’s that much more satisfying! Here’s a simple menu that is sure to warm mind, body, and soul.

Heartwarming, invigorating cocktails

Coming in from a whole day in the great outdoors? Kick off the evening with a delicious cocktail or mocktail by the fire.

Spicy hot cider

This cocktail is not limited to year-end celebrations! To make it, heat the cider in a pot, add a drizzle of maple syrup, a dash of spices, such as nutmeg or cloves, and let it infuse for a few minutes. Serve in a glass and garnish with a cinnamon stick or apple slice. For a non-alcoholic version, swap the cider for regular apple juice.

Citrus-flavoured tonic mocktail

Who says alcohol is absolutely necessary to make a delicious cocktail? Take advantage of the abundance of citrus fruits available during the cold season to make refined drinks. For example, you can combine grapefruit juice, a bit of sugar, lime juice, and basil or mint leaves, and complete with sparkling water. And there you have it—a flavourful mocktail!

A surprising cocktail hour

You can always count on a day of winter fun outdoors to build up an appetite! Serve your cocktails and mocktails with homemade munchies for a more festive cocktail hour.

Veggie chips

Instead of regular chips, try this unique alternative! Simply shave some red beets, parsnips, sweet potatoes, and carrots, drizzle with oil and sprinkle with spices. Put them in the oven at 375°F for about 20 minutes, and serve them as is or with a yummy dip!

Poppin’ popcorn

Here’s a satisfyingly crunchy appetizer with endless flavouring possibilities. We suggest you try BBQ, parmesan, or classic butter. Parmesan: mix a half-cup of finely grated parmesan cheese with a sprinkle of onion powder and garlic powder. Add salt and pepper to taste. Simply pour the mixture over the popcorn, along with a drizzle of butter. Yum! BBQ: combine BBQ seasoning—a pinch of chili powder, paprika, and Cayenne pepper. Then, simply add a sprinkle of salt and a drizzle of butter.

Quebec-style raclette!

Raclette is, without a doubt, a classic post-ski meal. Tasty and fun, raclette is the kind of meal that brings everyone together at the table. Elevate this winter classic with some delicious Quebec cheeses. There’s something for everyone: milder flavours for the kids, and sharper notes for the more experienced!

Heavenly sides

For your sides, opt for local deli meats—think pancetta, cooked ham, coppa, or mortadella. There’s something for everyone! You can also add some veggies to the mix, serving lightly blanched broccoli or cauliflower florets, bell pepper strips, pickles, and marinated onions. In need of fun ideas to introduce the kids to this special meal? First, let them choose their ingredients and create their own special combination. Next, have them try a pizza-style raclette with sausage, peppers, and cheese. Finally, let the kids indulge in a dessert raclette consisting of fresh fruit, melted chocolate, and mini marshmallows!

A decadent dessert

End the evening on a decadent note with . . . brownies! For an express version, why not make them in the microwave? Simply beat an egg in a cup, add your sugar, oil, flour, cocoa powder, and a few chocolate chips, and mix well. Cook in the microwave, one cup at a time, for about 45 seconds on high for a moist cake, or one minute if you want it well-done. Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream! The cold season has so much to offer. And it gets even better when the fun finds its way to your plate!