Claude McSween has evolved within the food industry since he was 10 years old. Today, Hemmingford is home to his passion for service and human contact, something for which he is very proud! His town is his life, seven days a week, not by obligation, but because that’s just the way he likes it.
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Investing in groceries and in relationships
When Claude became owner in 2011, locals didn’t take the time to notice his involvement in the store or in the community. Customer trust and loyalty, however, quickly took root. Before he arrived, the grocery store was a little old and outdated, but Claude decided to revamp and modernize the only grocery store in town, and his effort did not go unnoticed. After all, it’s to the town’s old general store that he gave new life. But for someone who enjoys people so much, changing the colour of the walls and offering new products was not enough. That’s why for several years now, Claude has gotten actively involved in local organizations and the town’s two elementary schools providing things like sports equipment, for example. And on those days when it’s a scorcher outside, Claude even goes on site to offer a round of popsicles!More than just customers—friends
It’s not rare for a simple stop off to pick up a coffee at McSween’s turns into a whole afternoon of chatting and laughter. You guessed it, Claude is a kindered spirit. He values the spirit of family and mutual support that permeates his establishment. Even his manager Martine treats the store “as if it were her own.” And that goes for his employees and customers as well. He treats every one the same: for him, everyone is a friend! “We are so close to the community that one gentleman came in to ask for my advice on his hemorrhoids. I kindly reminded him that I wasn’t a pharmacist, and we had a good laugh!”
Claude McSween, owner of Les Marchés Tradition McSween for the past seven years, holding a picture of the old general store that now houses his establishment.
Authentic convenience
In order to better serve his “friends,” Claude also decided to change his opening hours. In addition to opening at 8 a.m., the store now stays open until 9 p.m. every night of the week. And if a customer is looking for a product that the store doesn’t hold, no problem, ask Claude or any other store empoyee and it will be ordered on demand.- Already sold 333 trios including a slice of pizza, fries and a soft drink in one day
- Thousands of sandwiches prepared for the starving immigrants at the border over two months
- 50 to 60 Christmas baskets prepared for families in need each year
- 1880 The year the building housing the Les Marchés Tradition McSween was built, which was the town’s old general store.
True local pride!
At the McSweens, it’s not just Claude who likes to get involved in the community. His wife, Lory, started a group called Ensemble Hemmingford that promotes buying local in a number of ways. For example, each year, a local merchant is put in the spotlight and presents his or her business to the local population. This event allows everyone present to learn more about the business and its owner.